Chalkboard Paint

Front Door Message Board

...not to be confused with "chalk" paint. The kind where you can write on it! I used black with my project but Benjamin Moore's chalk paint is now available in any BM color, the options are endless! But before we get into that let's think outside of the box a little. Maybe you went through a kitchen remodel and your stove was stainless steel but your dishwasher was black and your stove was white. Stay with me here, in the new kitchen your fridge is moving to the other side of the room and will be flanked with white cabinets for more storage. Your hubby is on board with a new stainless steel dishwasher to match your stove but not a new fridge. What do I do? Paint it with chalkboard paint and live with it until it dies and I can get my pretty stainless steel one to match all my other appliances. It was a step outside of my design box but it's only paint, right?
white fridge "before"
3 yrs later and I'm still in love! The handles have had to be touched up but that's it! The handles are actually removable and we originally spray painted them with a Rust-oleum black matte. I actually don't mind that I'm not cleaning finger prints off of stainless steel and of course the fridge is still going strong! (knock on wood)

Black fridge "after"


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