Full Circle

So I joke a lot that if you wait long enough on incorporating a trend into your life they will revolve to not needing to update at all, hence coming full circle. Case in point, Benjamin Moore's color of the year 2018 is Af-290 Caliente' which is a red. Up here in north country most people are still busy covering up there red accent walls.

I also have seen that colorful accent walls are decreasing as focal points and either transitioning into full accent rooms or being covered with wallpaper. Yes, I said it, wallpaper.

I have to admit I have even applied this current trend in my own home. I used removable wallpaper to line the back of my bookshelves. I love that it easily added color and texture to my space and didn't break the bank. I have not however, found a location to apply wallpaper as an accent wall but in my work life the designers do it all the time. A way they have even thought outside of the box was to add texture rather than print with a grass cloth as pictured below.


I never thought I would entertain the idea of liking wallpaper, simply because most days I am communicating with people on how they hate their coverings from 30 years ago and are having a heck of a time removing it! My advice? Get as much off as possible using a steamer, wash the wall with TSP (an inexpensive powder cleaner), seal any seams and re-apply a new wallpaper! The problem with removable and following with paint can often be texture. Applying texture to a wall is an art all in it's own, trust me. Unless you know a drywaller that might be able to help you out or you're willing to spend a little money, consider new paper! As with everything else in the industry, wallpaper has only gotten better. It is easier to apply and there are some simple yet fun prints.


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